​Original LEGO Creation Competition
2024 Theme - My Favorite Book!
2024 Official Rules & General Information
1.​ Competition entries will be accepted on Thursday, September 5th, or Friday, September 6th, from 3:00 – 5:30 p.m. at the Presbyterian Activity Center (100 N. Main St.), Kennett. A separate registration form must be completed for each submission.
​2. There will be three age categories for judging: students currently in Grades 9-12; Grades 4-8;
Grade 3 and under.
3. Non-refundable entry fee of $1.00 per entry is due when entries are submitted.
4. The maximum number of entries is limited to two (2).
5. Fall Into Arts committee reserves the right to reject entries deemed unsuitable for this
competition or display.
6. This year’s LEGO contest theme is “My Favorite Book”. You can recreate a favorite setting, book cover, character, or scene! Be creative!!! Just remember that it has to be your original design and not from a kit.
​7. Entries will be on display Saturday, September 7th, 10:00 a.m.- 4:00 p.m. at the Presbyterian Activity Center (PAC). Entries should be picked up between 3:30 - 4:00 p.m. on Saturday, September 7th.
​8. Prizes will be awarded on discretion of the judges.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Libby Mobley at 573-757-5325, libbymobley@yahoo.com or at www.kafta.org.
$250 will be awarded for the
Original LEGO Creation Competitions.
Check out these inspiration photos from the
Mid-Continent Public Library in Kansas City.
--> Find even more idea by visiting their Facebook page.

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